Saturday, September 11, 2010



lead by...
Head: AyumiCrea
Assisstant: CrossDark | Yuriko (it's me ~.~)
Keeper: Joenel
Members: LaLaChibi (another me ~.~) | FTIsland009 | jin1212 | reich15 | ladymary | XxXxBOKYOxXxX | xXwOwXx | chelchai | blackangel08 | DotCom | pinky01 | AyumiLelouch | 1DGrayMan1 | Raffy29 | Grool | AyumiLuffy | GoDnCross | FadhLidaz | girllalu09 | Cindhy | Rhyannaz | ShUgHiE | CrossBlack | AQWpeople | AyumiHamasaki | darkmanht | DoomBringer

Updated for 12 September 2010
followed by some LOD pictures...

~~  long time no see >w<  ~~

~~  WOW!!! The latest event : CAR | I wanna get one too >.<  ~~

~~  Waiting for the DarkHorn (DH) and AyumiHamasaki is our TANKER | You are GREAT LOL ~~

~~  It won't be called DarkHorn if it remains calm, and FTIsland009 you can't even kill DH =_=" ahaha  ~~

~~  *Dark Horn starts in pursuit* run for your life, everyone!!! wahaha...  ~~

~~  GiantKnight (GK), here we come *nostale emo alt+G*  ~~

~~  LOD ends and all are kicked out, and this is the lag time -_-"  ~~

Hope to see you again, my DEAREST FAM ^_^

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